Homework Support
At Malcolm Sargent Primary School, we firmly believe in the importance of developing life long learners who will enjoy acquiring knowledge and finding out about things through independent study and a desire to succeed. None of this is possible without developing the children at an early age in learning outside of the school environment as well as within.
We also appreciate how important the links between home and school are, and the need for us to work together to ensure a good education for your children. It is for this reason that we believe it is important that children begin to bring work home from a fairly young age.
This enables you to help your child to learn and for them to see parents and teachers working together for their success. As the children get older and go on to secondary school the work brought home becomes more important.
Our approach to homework is consistent throughout the school, in that it develops basic skills through challenging children to learn new ideas, whilst consolidating skills that will build the foundation blocks for future learning. Each year, the homework builds on what was set the previous year, leading up to a smooth transition to secondary school in both the quantity and expectations for homework.
Teachers will set and mark work but have a firm expectation that parents will ensure the work is completed and submitted on the appropriate day.